Elizabeth Sanford
F, ID# 14952
- Marriage*: She married Thomas Pope.
- Last Edited: 17 Nov 2001
Family: Thomas Pope
Jemima Waddy
F, ID# 14953
- Marriage*: She married John Spence.1
- Marriage*: She married Lawrence Pope, son of Thomas Pope and Elizabeth Sanford.1
- Marriage*: She married Nicholas Minor, son of John Minor and Ellinor _____, in Cople Parish, Westmoreland County, Virginia.1
- Last Edited: 17 Aug 2003
Family 1: John Spence
Family 2: Lawrence Pope
Family 3: Nicholas Minor d. 1744
- William Stewart Minor+2 b. a 1722, d. c 1751
John Spence
M, ID# 14954
- Marriage*: He married Jemima Waddy.1
- Last Edited: 17 Nov 2001
Family: Jemima Waddy
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor (n.p.: n.pub., 1983), p. 1.
Lawrence Pope
M, ID# 14955
- Father: Thomas Pope1
- Mother: Elizabeth Sanford1
- Marriage*: He married Jemima Waddy.2
- Last Edited: 17 Nov 2001
Family: Jemima Waddy
Eleanor Minor
F, ID# 14956
- Father: Nicholas Minor1 d. 1744
- Mother: Margaret Pope2
- Marriage*: She married Henry Youell.3
- Birth*: She was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia.4
- Note*: She may have died by 1743, as she was not mentioned in her father's will written in that year.3
- Last Edited: 17 Aug 2003
Family: Henry Youell
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor (n.p.: n.pub., 1983), pp. 1-2 (naming Nicholas Minor as her father).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, pp. 1-2 (naming Margaret Pope as her mother).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, p. 2.
- [S248] Supposition as to place, based on parents' believed residence at time.
Henry Youell
M, ID# 14957
- Marriage*: He married Eleanor Minor, daughter of Nicholas Minor and Margaret Pope.1
- Last Edited: 17 Nov 2001
Family: Eleanor Minor
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor (n.p.: n.pub., 1983), p. 2.
Alicia Minor
F, ID# 14958
- Father: Nicholas Minor1 d. 1744
- Mother: Margaret Pope2
- Marriage*: She married William Payne.3
- Birth*: She was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia.4
- Note*: She may have died by 1743, as she was not mentioned in her father's will written in that year.3
- Last Edited: 17 Aug 2003
Family: William Payne
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor (n.p.: n.pub., 1983), pp. 1-2 (naming Nicholas Minor as her father).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, pp. 1-2 (naming Margaret Pope as her mother).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, p. 2.
- [S248] Supposition as to place, based on parents' believed residence at time.
William Payne
M, ID# 14959
- Marriage*: He married Alicia Minor, daughter of Nicholas Minor and Margaret Pope.1
- Last Edited: 17 Nov 2001
Family: Alicia Minor
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor (n.p.: n.pub., 1983), p. 2.
Richard Minor
M, ID# 14960
- Father: Nicholas Minor1 d. 1744
- Mother: Margaret Pope2
- Birth*: He was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia.3
- Note*: He may have died by 1743, as he was not mentioned in his father's will written in that year.4
- Last Edited: 17 Aug 2003
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor (n.p.: n.pub., 1983), pp. 1-2 (naming Nicholas Minor as his father).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, pp. 1-2 (naming Margaret Pope as his mother).
- [S248] Supposition as to place, based on parents' believed residence at time.
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, p. 2.
Nicholas Minor
M, ID# 14961, d. 1782
- Father: Nicholas Minor1 d. 1744
- Mother: Margaret Pope2
- Marriage*: He married Frances Spence, daughter of Patrick Spence and _____ _____.3
- Birth*: He was born in Cople Parish, Westmoreland County, Virginia.3
- Death*: He died in 1782 in Loudoun County, Virginia.4
- Note*: He was still in Westmoreland County, Virginia in 1745, when he served as justice of the peace. He was in Fairfax County, Virginia by 1752 and was captain of the Fairfax County militia in 1756. He probably lived in the portion of Fairfax County that became Loudoun County in 1757, as he was captain of the Loudoun County militia in 1758. He owned a plantation, Fruitland, in Loudoun County where he also operated a distillery that probably made brandy from peaches, apples, and persimmons. His home was on a knoll about a mile east of present-day Leesburg.5
- Last Edited: 17 Aug 2003
Family: Frances Spence
- John Minor6
- Spence Minor6
- William Stewart Minor6 d. b 1782
- George Minor+7
- Margaret Minor8 d. b 1782
- Elizabeth Minor8
- Nancy Ann Minor8 d. b 1782
- Rebecca Minor8
- Thomas Jefferson Minor6 b. c 1753
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor (n.p.: n.pub., 1983), pp. 1-2, 3 (naming Nicholas Minor as his father).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, pp. 1-2, 3 (naming Margaret Pope as his mother).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, p. 3.
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, p. 4.
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, pp. 3-4.
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, pp. 3-4 (naming Nicholas Minor as his father).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, pp. 3-4, 7 (naming Nicholas Minor as his father).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, pp. 3-4 (naming Nicholas Minor as her father).
Katharine Minor
F, ID# 14962
- Father: Nicholas Minor1 d. 1744
- Mother: Margaret Pope2
- Marriage*: She married William Nichols.3
- Birth*: She was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia.4
- Note*: She may have died by 1743, as she was not mentioned in her father's will written in that year.3
- Last Edited: 17 Aug 2003
Family: William Nichols
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor (n.p.: n.pub., 1983), pp. 1-2 (naming Nicholas Minor as her father).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, pp. 1-2 (naming Margaret Pope as her mother).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, p. 2.
- [S248] Supposition as to place, based on parents' believed residence at time.
William Nichols
M, ID# 14963
- Marriage*: He married Katharine Minor, daughter of Nicholas Minor and Margaret Pope.1
- Last Edited: 17 Nov 2001
Family: Katharine Minor
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor (n.p.: n.pub., 1983), p. 2.
Capt. John Stewart Minor
M, ID# 14964, d. 15 July 1753
- Father: Nicholas Minor1 d. 1744
- Mother: Margaret Pope2
- Marriage*: He married Penelope McCarty, daughter of Daniel McCarty and _____ _____.3
- Marriage*: He married Jemima Sanford, daughter of Robert Sanford and Mary Muse.3
- Birth*: He was born in Cople Parish, Westmoreland County, Virginia.3
- Death*: He died on 15 July 1753 in Truro Parish, Fairfax County, Virginia.3
- Note*: His second wife may have been Jemima Moxley, not Jemima Sanford.4
- Last Edited: 17 Aug 2003
Family 1: Penelope McCarty
Family 2: Jemima Sanford d. 17 Apr 1803
- Penelope Minor5
- Ann Minor5
- Elizabeth Minor5
- Nicholas Minor6 d. May 1764
- George Minor6
- Daniel Minor6 d. 11 Jan 1787
- John Minor7
- Jemima Minor8 d. b 1752
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor (n.p.: n.pub., 1983), pp. 1-2, 4 (naming Nicholas Minor as his father).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, pp. 1-2, 4 (naming Margaret Pope as his mother).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, p. 4.
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, p. 5.
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, p. 4 (naming Capt. John Stewart Minor as her father).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, p. 4 (naming Capt. John Stewart Minor as his father).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, pp. 4-5 (naming Capt. John Stewart Minor as his father).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, pp. 4-5 (naming Capt. John Stewart Minor as her father).
Elizabeth Minor
F, ID# 14965
- Father: Nicholas Minor1 d. 1744
- Mother: Margaret Pope2
- Marriage*: She married Edward Barrow.3
- Marriage*: She married _____ Wherrit.3
- Birth*: She was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia.4
- Last Edited: 17 Aug 2003
Family 1: _____ Wherrit
Family 2: Edward Barrow d. 1733
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor (n.p.: n.pub., 1983), pp. 1-2 (naming Nicholas Minor as her father).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, pp. 1-2 (naming Margaret Pope as her mother).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, p. 2.
- [S248] Supposition as to place, based on parents' believed residence at time.
Edward Barrow
M, ID# 14966, d. 1733
- Marriage*: He married Elizabeth Minor, daughter of Nicholas Minor and Margaret Pope.1
- Death*: He died in 1733.1
- Last Edited: 17 Nov 2001
Family: Elizabeth Minor
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor (n.p.: n.pub., 1983), p. 2.
_____ Wherrit
M, ID# 14967
- Marriage*: He married Elizabeth Minor, daughter of Nicholas Minor and Margaret Pope.1
- Last Edited: 17 Nov 2001
Family: Elizabeth Minor
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor (n.p.: n.pub., 1983), p. 2.
William Stewart Minor
M, ID# 14968, b. after 1722, d. circa 1751
- Father: Nicholas Minor1 d. 1744
- Mother: Jemima Waddy2
- Birth*: He was born after 1722 in Loudoun County, Virginia.3
- Marriage*: He married Frances _____ before 1750.4
- Death*: He died circa 1751.5
- Last Edited: 17 Aug 2003
Family: Frances _____
- Frances Minor6 b. b 1751
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor (n.p.: n.pub., 1983), pp. 1-2, 5 (naming Nicholas Minor as his father).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, pp. 1-2, 5 (naming Jemima Waddy as his mother).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, p. 5 (stating that he is believed to have been born after 1722 because he was not yet twenty-one years old when his father's will was written in 1743).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, p. 5.
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, p. 5 (not giving the date but stating that his will was proved on 26 Mar 1751).
- [S689] W. Avery Miner, comp., Descendants of John Minor, above, p. 5 (naming William Stewart Minor as her father).
Nettie _____
F, ID# 14969, b. 1874, d. 1967
- Marriage*: She married Benjamin R. Fortson, son of Joseph Gail Fortson and Sarah Ann Eliza Radford.1
- Birth*: She was born in 1874.2
- Burial*: Interment was in Indian Springs Cemetery, Perry County, Mississippi.2
- Death*: She died in 1967.2
- Last Edited: 17 Nov 2001
Family: Benjamin R. Fortson b. 12 Feb 1874, d. 19 Aug 1962
- Stella Fortson3 b. 11 Oct 1902, d. 13 Mar 1926
- [S696] Indian Springs Cemetery, online ftp://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ms/perry/cemeteries/indiansp.txt, viewed on 17 Nov 2001 (stating that her grave marker identifies her as "wife of Ben R. Fortson").
- [S696] Indian Springs Cemetery, online, above, viewed on 17 Nov 2001.
- [S198] Supposition as to mother's identity, based on proximity of their graves.
Stella Fortson
F, ID# 14970, b. 11 October 1902, d. 13 March 1926
- Father: Benjamin R. Fortson1 b. 12 Feb 1874, d. 19 Aug 1962
- Mother: Nettie _____2 b. 1874, d. 1967
- Birth*: She was born on 11 October 1902.3
- Death*: She died on 13 March 1926 at age 23.3
- Burial*: Interment was in Indian Springs Cemetery, Perry County, Mississippi.3
- Last Edited: 17 Nov 2001
Robert Naudain Ellis Jr.
M, ID# 14971, b. 10 October 1874
- Father: Robert Naudain Ellis1 b. 6 Jan 1843, d. 29 Sep 1928
- Mother: Fannie McClure b. 8 Nov 1852, d. 13 Oct 1925
- Birth*: He was born on 10 October 1874.2
- Note*: He registered for the World War I draft in Jacksonville, Florida in 1917 and stated that his wife was then living in Chattahoochee. Florida.2
- Last Edited: 12 Aug 2018
- [S1490] The Palm Beach Post, Palm Beach, Fla., online at http://www.newspapers.com, 30 Sep 1928, p. 3, col. 3 (obituary for Robert Naudain Ellis) (naming Robert Naudain Ellis as his father).
- [S699] Gadsden Co., Fla. Civilian Draft Registration, 1917-18, online ftp://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/fl/gadsden/military/1917crav.txt.
John Henry Loop
M, ID# 14972, b. circa 1787, d. after 1850
- Father: Simon Lupp1 b. 1 Feb 1766, d. 25 Mar 1832
- Mother: Mary Elizabeth Heck2 b. c 1765, d. 7 Mar 1837
- Birth*: He was born circa 1787 in Pennsylvania.3
- Marriage*: He married Elizabeth _____.4
- Death*: He died after 1850.5
- Note*: He was a farmer. By 1850 he, his wife, and five children were living in Preble County, Ohio. They later lived in Indiana.6
- Last Edited: 10 Jul 2011
Family: Elizabeth _____ b. c 1797, d. a 1850
- Simon Loop7 d. 1882
- John Loop Jr.+7 b. c 1820
- Mary C. Loop8 b. c 1825
- Catherine Loop b. c 1828
- Joseph M. Loop+7 b. c 1830
- Angeline Loop8 b. c 1833
- William Loop7 b. c 1835
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), pp. 52, 57 (naming Simon Loop as his father). The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, pp. 52, 57 (naming Mary Elizabeth Heck as his mother).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, pp. 52, 57.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, pp. 52, 57 (stating that they probably married in Pennsylvania).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 52.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 57.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 57 (naming John Henry Loop as his father).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 57 (naming John Henry Loop as her father).
Elizabeth _____
F, ID# 14973, b. circa 1797, d. after 1850
- Birth*: She was born circa 1797 in Virginia.1
- Marriage*: She married John Henry Loop, son of Simon Lupp and Mary Elizabeth Heck.2
- Death*: She died after 1850.3
- Last Edited: 10 Jul 2011
Family: John Henry Loop b. c 1787, d. a 1850
- Simon Loop4 d. 1882
- John Loop Jr.+4 b. c 1820
- Mary C. Loop5 b. c 1825
- Catherine Loop b. c 1828
- Joseph M. Loop+4 b. c 1830
- Angeline Loop5 b. c 1833
- William Loop4 b. c 1835
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 57. The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, pp. 52, 57 (stating that they probably married in Pennsylvania).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 52.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 57 (stating that Elizabeth _____ probably was his mother).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 57 (stating that Elizabeth _____ probably was her mother).
Susanna Loop
F, ID# 14974, d. before 1832
- Father: Simon Lupp1 b. 1 Feb 1766, d. 25 Mar 1832
- Mother: Mary Elizabeth Heck2 b. c 1765, d. 7 Mar 1837
- Marriage*: She married George Hanger.3
- Birth*: She was born in Pennsylvania.3
- Death*: She died before 1832.3
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001
Family: George Hanger
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 52 (naming Simon Loop as her father). The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 52 (naming Mary Elizabeth Heck as her mother).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 52.
George Hanger
M, ID# 14975
- Marriage*: He married Susanna Loop, daughter of Simon Lupp and Mary Elizabeth Heck.1
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001
Family: Susanna Loop d. b 1832
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 52. The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
Lewis Loop
M, ID# 14976, b. circa 1796, d. circa March 1846
- Father: Simon Lupp1 b. 1 Feb 1766, d. 25 Mar 1832
- Mother: Mary Elizabeth Heck2 b. c 1765, d. 7 Mar 1837
- Birth*: He was born circa 1796 in Pennsylvania or Virginia.3
- Marriage*: He married Nancy _____.3
- Death*: He died circa March 1846 in Somers Township, Preble County, Ohio.4
- Burial*: Interment was; Lewis inherited much property from his father and left it to his widow on his death.5
- Last Edited: 10 Jul 2011
Family: Nancy _____ b. c 1802
- Lavinia Catherine Loop6
- William Wilson Loop7 b. c 1829
- Eliza Jane Loop6 b. c 1832
- Julia Ann Loop6 b. c 1836
- Robert Loop7 b. c 1839
- John Anderson Loop+7 b. c 1842
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), pp. 52, 57 (naming Simon Loop as his father). The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, pp. 52, 57 (naming Mary Elizabeth Heck as his mother).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, pp. 52, 57.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, pp. 52, 57 (stating that he died "between February 17 and March 19, 1846").
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 57.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 57 (naming Lewis Loop as her father).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 57 (naming Lewis Loop as his father).
Nancy _____
F, ID# 14977, b. circa 1802
- Birth*: She was born circa 1802 in Virginia.1
- Marriage*: She married Lewis Loop, son of Simon Lupp and Mary Elizabeth Heck.2
- Last Edited: 10 Jul 2011
Family: Lewis Loop b. c 1796, d. c Mar 1846
- Lavinia Catherine Loop3
- William Wilson Loop4 b. c 1829
- Eliza Jane Loop3 b. c 1832
- Julia Ann Loop3 b. c 1836
- Robert Loop4 b. c 1839
- John Anderson Loop+4 b. c 1842
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), pp. 52, 57 (stating that she was born "about 1801 or 1803") in Virginia. The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, pp. 52, 57.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 57 (naming Nancy _____ as her mother).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 57 (naming Nancy _____ as his mother).
Mary Loop
F, ID# 14978, b. circa 1799
- Father: Simon Lupp1 b. 1 Feb 1766, d. 25 Mar 1832
- Mother: Mary Elizabeth Heck2 b. c 1765, d. 7 Mar 1837
- Marriage*: She married Jacob Wachtel.3
- Birth*: She was born circa 1799 in Pennsylvania or Virginia.4
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001
Family: Jacob Wachtel
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 52 (naming Simon Loop as her father). The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 52 (naming Mary Elizabeth Heck as her mother).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 52 (stating that she probably married Jacob Wachtel of Fayette Co., Pa.).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 52.
Jacob Wachtel
M, ID# 14979
- Marriage*: He married Mary Loop, daughter of Simon Lupp and Mary Elizabeth Heck.1
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001
Family: Mary Loop b. c 1799
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 52 (stating that she probably married Jacob Wachtel of Fayette Co., Pa.). The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
Sarah Loop
F, ID# 14980, b. circa 1804, d. after 1850
- Father: Simon Lupp1 b. 1 Feb 1766, d. 25 Mar 1832
- Mother: Mary Elizabeth Heck2 b. c 1765, d. 7 Mar 1837
- Marriage*: She married William McMeachan.3
- Birth*: She was born circa 1804 in Virginia.3
- Death*: She died after 1850.
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001
Family: William McMeachan
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 52 (naming Simon Loop as her father). The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 52 (naming Mary Elizabeth Heck as her mother).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 52.
William McMeachan
M, ID# 14981
- Marriage*: He married Sarah Loop, daughter of Simon Lupp and Mary Elizabeth Heck.1
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001
Family: Sarah Loop b. c 1804, d. a 1850
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 52. The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
Simon Loop
M, ID# 14982, b. after 1804, d. 28 March 1848
- Father: Simon Lupp1 b. 1 Feb 1766, d. 25 Mar 1832
- Mother: Mary Elizabeth Heck2 b. c 1765, d. 7 Mar 1837
- Birth*: He was born after 1804 in Virginia.3
- Marriage*: He married Mary C. Davis on 17 November 1836 in Mercer County, Ohio.4
- Death*: He died on 28 March 1848 in Wabash, Wabash County, Indiana.5
- Note*: He moved with his parents from Virginia to Ohio, where he taught school to support himself while studying at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. After graduation he taught for a while in Troy, Ohio. After he married, they moved to Boone County, Indiana and, in 1845, to Wabash, Ohio.5
- Last Edited: 10 Jul 2011
Family: Mary C. Davis b. c 1817, d. 1879
- Charles Linneaus Loop+6 b. 6 Mar 1840, d. 17 Nov 1915
- Ephraim ('Rush') Loop6 b. c 1843, d. 15 Nov 1878
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), pp. 52, 58 (naming Simon Loop as his father). The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, pp. 52, 58 (naming Mary Elizabeth Heck as his mother).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, pp. 52, 58.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 52.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 58.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 58 (naming Simon Loop as his father).
Mary C. Davis
F, ID# 14983, b. circa 1817, d. 1879
- Birth*: She was born circa 1817 in Ohio.1
- Marriage*: She married Simon Loop, son of Simon Lupp and Mary Elizabeth Heck, on 17 November 1836 in Mercer County, Ohio.2
- Death*: She died in 1879 in Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee.1
- Note*: She and a son, Ephraim, died in a yellow-fever epidemic.1
- Last Edited: 10 Jul 2011
Family: Simon Loop b. a 1804, d. 28 Mar 1848
- Charles Linneaus Loop+3 b. 6 Mar 1840, d. 17 Nov 1915
- Ephraim ('Rush') Loop3 b. c 1843, d. 15 Nov 1878
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 58. The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 52.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 58 (naming Mary C. Davis as his mother).
Carrie Viola Woodward
F, ID# 14984, b. 24 August 1885, d. 10 January 1968
- Birth*: She was born on 24 August 1885.1,2
- Marriage*: She married William H. Fortson, son of Jeptha Monroe Fortson and Margaret Elizabeth Riley, in 1910.3
- Death*: She died on 10 January 1968 in Lancaster, Dallas County, Texas, at age 82.1,4
- Last Edited: 15 Sep 2002
Family: William H. Fortson b. Nov 1877, d. 1959
- [S712] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 25 Nov 2001.
- [S312] Social Security Death Index, online at http://tinyurl.com/AncestrySSDI, viewed on 15 Sep 2002.
- [S709] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 18 Nov 2001.
- [S312] Social Security Death Index, online at http://tinyurl.com/AncestrySSDI, viewed on 15 Sep 2002 (stating that she died in Jan 1968; not naming the place of death but stating that she lived in Lancaster, Tex. when she died).
Precias Ella Fortson
F, ID# 14986, b. 8 March 1884, d. 15 November 1909
- Father: Jeptha Monroe Fortson1,2 b. 1845, d. a 1910
- Mother: Margaret Elizabeth Riley3,4 b. Jul 1850, d. a 1910
- Birth*: She was born on 8 March 1884 in Van Zandt County, Texas.5,6,7,8
- Marriage*: She married George Washington Willingham on 26 December 1898 in Falls County, Texas.6,9
- Death*: She died on 15 November 1909 in Gregg County, Texas, at age 25.5,6,10,11
- Burial*: Interment was in West Mountain Cemetery, Upshur County, Texas.5,12,11
- Last Edited: 14 Dec 2003
Family: George Washington Willingham b. 17 Jan 1877, d. 8 Dec 1940
- Truly Willingham13 d. 4 Oct 1915
- Mamie Lameta Willingham+14,15 b. 6 May 1900, d. 26 Dec 1968
- Mattie Belle Willingham16,15 b. 27 Nov 1908, d. 20 Jul 1999
- [S709] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 18 Nov 2001, (naming Jeptha Monroe Fortson as her father).
- [S896] Carol Joan Arthur-Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 22 May 2001, (naming Jeptha M. Fortson as her father).
- [S709] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 18 Nov 2001, (naming Margrett Elizabeth Riley as her mother).
- [S896] Carol Joan Arthur-Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 22 May 2001, (naming Margaret _____ as her mother).
- [S707] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett via GenCircles, 6 Jun 2001.
- [S709] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 18 Nov 2001.
- [S896] Carol Joan Arthur-Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 22 May 2001.
- [S897] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 3 Jun 2001, (stating that she was born on 8 Mar 1884, probably in Van Zandt County, Texas).
- [S896] Carol Joan Arthur-Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 22 May 2001, (not giving the date or place).
- [S896] Carol Joan Arthur-Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 22 May 2001, (giving the date but not naming the place).
- [S897] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 3 Jun 2001.
- [S709] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 18 Nov 2001, (naming the county and state but not the cemetery).
- [S712] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 25 Nov 2001, (naming Mattie and Mamie Willingham as her sisters).
- [S707] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett via GenCircles, 6 Jun 2001, (naming Precias Ella Fortson as her mother).
- [S896] Carol Joan Arthur-Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 22 May 2001, (naming Precias Ella Fortson as her mother).
- [S709] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 18 Nov 2001, (naming Precias Ella Fortson as her mother).
George Washington Willingham
M, ID# 14987, b. 17 January 1877, d. 8 December 1940
- Birth*: He was born on 17 January 1877.1,2,3
- Marriage*: He married Precias Ella Fortson, daughter of Jeptha Monroe Fortson and Margaret Elizabeth Riley, on 26 December 1898 in Falls County, Texas.4,5
- Marriage*: He married Effie Elizabeth Smith in 1910.4
- Death*: He died on 8 December 1940 in Gregg County, Texas, at age 63.1,6,7
- Burial*: Interment was in West Mountain Cemetery, Upshur County, Texas.3
- Last Edited: 14 Dec 2003
Family 1: Precias Ella Fortson b. 8 Mar 1884, d. 15 Nov 1909
- Truly Willingham8 d. 4 Oct 1915
- Mamie Lameta Willingham+9,10 b. 6 May 1900, d. 26 Dec 1968
- Mattie Belle Willingham11,10 b. 27 Nov 1908, d. 20 Jul 1999
Family 2: Effie Elizabeth Smith b. 1882
- [S707] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett via GenCircles, 6 Jun 2001.
- [S896] Carol Joan Arthur-Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 22 May 2001.
- [S897] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 3 Jun 2001.
- [S709] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 18 Nov 2001.
- [S896] Carol Joan Arthur-Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 22 May 2001, (not giving the date or place).
- [S896] Carol Joan Arthur-Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 22 May 2001, (giving the date but not naming the place).
- [S897] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 3 Jun 2001, (giving the date but not naming the place).
- [S712] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 25 Nov 2001, (naming Mattie and Mamie Willingham as her sisters).
- [S707] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett via GenCircles, 6 Jun 2001, (naming George Washington Willingham as her father).
- [S896] Carol Joan Arthur-Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 22 May 2001, (naming George Washington Willingham as her father).
- [S709] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 18 Nov 2001, (naming George Washington Willingham as her father).
Mamie Lameta Willingham
F, ID# 14988, b. 6 May 1900, d. 26 December 1968
- Father: George Washington Willingham1,2 b. 17 Jan 1877, d. 8 Dec 1940
- Mother: Precias Ella Fortson3,4 b. 8 Mar 1884, d. 15 Nov 1909
- Birth*: She was born on 6 May 1900 in McLennan County, Texas.5
- Marriage*: She married Robert Estes Elliott in 1916 in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas.6
- Death*: She died on 26 December 1968 at age 68.5
- Burial*: Interment was in Gregg County, Texas.6
- Note*: One source gives 9 May 1900 as her birth date and 18 Dec 1968 as her death date.7
- Last Edited: 14 Dec 2003
Family: Robert Estes Elliott b. 31 May 1890, d. 20 Nov 1927
- Dorothy Elliott+8 b. 2 Aug 1917, d. 11 Jan 1982
- [S707] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett via GenCircles, 6 Jun 2001, (naming George Washington Willingham as her father).
- [S896] Carol Joan Arthur-Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 22 May 2001, (naming George Washington Willingham as her father).
- [S707] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett via GenCircles, 6 Jun 2001, (naming Precias Ella Fortson as her mother).
- [S896] Carol Joan Arthur-Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 22 May 2001, (naming Precias Ella Fortson as her mother).
- [S712] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 25 Nov 2001.
- [S709] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 18 Nov 2001.
- [S896] Carol Joan Arthur-Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 22 May 2001.
- [S709] Carol Jones, electronic mail to Roger Bartlett, 18 Nov 2001, (naming Mamie Lameta Willingham as her mother).
Jacob Loop
M, ID# 14989, b. 1817, d. 1879

Jacob Loop's tombstone, Fairmount Cemetery, Camden, Ohio, from findagrave.com, by Rhonda Fraley Burnett.
- Father: Simon Joseph Loop1 b. c 1786, d. 5 Mar 1846
- Mother: Elizabeth Catherine Loop2 b. 12 Dec 1789, d. 12 Jul 1862
- Birth*: He was born in 1817 in Virginia.3,4
- Marriage*: He married Jane _____.5
- Death*: He died in 1879.6
- Burial*: Interment was in Fairmount Cemetery, Camden, Preble County, Ohio.7
- Note*: He was a blacksmith, and in 1850 they were living in Gasper Township, Preble County, Ohio.5
- Last Edited: 10 Jul 2011
Family: Jane _____ b. 1817, d. 1899
- Sarah Loop8 b. c 1841
- Mary Loop8 b. c 1843
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 53 (naming Simon Loop as his father). The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53 (naming Elizabeth Catherine Loop as his mother).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53 (stating that he was born ca. 1816 in Virginia).
- [S961] Find A Grave, online at http://www.findagrave.com, memorial for Jacob Loop, memorial no. 26671070, viewed on 10 Jul 2011 (giving the year but no other information).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53.
- [S961] Find A Grave, online, above, memorial for Jacob Loop, memorial no. 26671070, viewed on 10 Jul 2011.
- [S961] Find A Grave, online, above, memorial for Jacob Loop, memorial no. 26671070, viewed on 10 Jul 2011 (common marker with Jane Loop).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53 (naming Jacob Loop as her father).
Jane _____
F, ID# 14990, b. 1817, d. 1899

Jane Loop's tombstone, Fairmount Cemetery, Camden, Ohio, from findagrave.com, by Rhonda Fraley Burnett.
- Birth*: She was born in 1817.1
- Marriage*: She married Jacob Loop, son of Simon Joseph Loop and Elizabeth Catherine Loop.2
- Death*: She died in 1899.1
- Burial*: Interment was in Fairmount Cemetery, Camden, Preble County, Ohio.3
- Last Edited: 10 Jul 2011
Family: Jacob Loop b. 1817, d. 1879
- Sarah Loop4 b. c 1841
- Mary Loop4 b. c 1843
- [S961] Find A Grave, online at http://www.findagrave.com, memorial for Jacob Loop, memorial no. 26671070, viewed on 10 Jul 2011.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 53. The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S961] Find A Grave, online, above, memorial for Jacob Loop, memorial no. 26671070, viewed on 10 Jul 2011 (common marker with Jacob Loop).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53 (naming Jane _____ as her mother).
Sarah Loop
F, ID# 14991, b. circa 1841
- Father: Jacob Loop1 b. 1817, d. 1879
- Mother: Jane _____2 b. 1817, d. 1899
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 53 (naming Jacob Loop as her father). The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53 (naming Jane _____ as her mother).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53.
Mary Loop
F, ID# 14992, b. circa 1843
- Father: Jacob Loop1 b. 1817, d. 1879
- Mother: Jane _____2 b. 1817, d. 1899
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 53 (naming Jacob Loop as her father). The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53 (naming Jane _____ as her mother).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53.
Susanna Loop
F, ID# 14993
- Father: Simon Joseph Loop1 b. c 1786, d. 5 Mar 1846
- Mother: Elizabeth Catherine Loop2 b. 12 Dec 1789, d. 12 Jul 1862
- Marriage*: She married _____ Sekengas.3
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001
Family: _____ Sekengas
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 53 (naming Simon Loop as her father). The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53 (naming Elizabeth Catherine Loop as her mother).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53.
_____ Sekengas
M, ID# 14994
- Marriage*: He married Susanna Loop, daughter of Simon Joseph Loop and Elizabeth Catherine Loop.1
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001
Family: Susanna Loop
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 53. The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
Mary Ann Loop
F, ID# 14995
- Father: Simon Joseph Loop1 b. c 1786, d. 5 Mar 1846
- Mother: Elizabeth Catherine Loop2 b. 12 Dec 1789, d. 12 Jul 1862
- Marriage*: She married Josiah Swisher.3
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001
Family: Josiah Swisher
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 53 (naming Simon Loop as her father). The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53 (naming Elizabeth Catherine Loop as her mother).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53.
Josiah Swisher
M, ID# 14996
- Marriage*: He married Mary Ann Loop, daughter of Simon Joseph Loop and Elizabeth Catherine Loop.1
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001
Family: Mary Ann Loop
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 53. The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
Christian Lewis Loop
M, ID# 14997, b. circa 1830
- Father: Simon Joseph Loop1 b. c 1786, d. 5 Mar 1846
- Mother: Elizabeth Catherine Loop2 b. 12 Dec 1789, d. 12 Jul 1862
- Marriage*: He married Eliza Jane Lang, daughter of George Lang and _____ _____.3
- Birth*: He was born circa 1830 in Ohio.3
- Note*: He was known as Lewis Christian Loop.3
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001
Family: Eliza Jane Lang
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 53 (naming Simon Loop as his father). The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53 (naming Elizabeth Catherine Loop as his mother).
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53 (naming Christian Lewis Loop as her father).
Eliza Jane Lang
F, ID# 14998
- Father: George Lang1
- Mother: _____ _____
- Marriage*: She married Christian Lewis Loop, son of Simon Joseph Loop and Elizabeth Catherine Loop.2
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001
Family: Christian Lewis Loop b. c 1830
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 53 (naming George Lang as her father). The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53.
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America, above, p. 53 (naming Eliza Jane Lang as her mother).
George Lang
M, ID# 14999
- Marriage*: He married _____ _____.
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001
Family: _____ _____
- [S24] Victor L. Bennison, The Loop Family in America (n.p.: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 53 (naming George Lang as her father). The text and photographs of this book, along with some additions and corrections made in 2012, are online at http://theloopfamilyinamerica.org/. The online version follows the chapters structure of the print version but does not use page numbers.
_____ _____
F, ID# 15000
- Marriage*: She married George Lang.
- Last Edited: 18 Nov 2001